Introduction to Small Business Grants

Aspiring business owners have a great option to finance their ideas with small business grants from a variety of sources. These merit and need based grants aim to provide low cost financing for entrepreneurs who need help getting their business off the ground. For those who are just starting out and need an introduction to grants, this guide will help get you started on the path to success in your new venture.

In a shifting economy with uncertain credit, small business grants are playing an increasingly important role in helping businesses to get off the ground running. Both federal and regional government officials understand the importance of small business development and groups such as the Department of Commerce actively advocate for increased small business grant funding. As a result, there are small business grants  available today than ever before. At the same time, access to these funds is highly competitive, so take time to fully prepare your idea before pursuing funding.

Make sure you have a sound business plan before you pursue a particular grant application process. Start by making sure that your business plan is sound - run it by an established, successful business man to determine whether you have everything structured properly before seeking funding. Once you have organized your plan properly start to research grants at the Federal, State and Local Levels.

One of the best sources of information is the Small Business Administration, which grants federal-level loans for professionals. There are different grant programs according to industry and demographics, and you can also find resources which will help you to connect with local sources of funding through your nearest Department of Commerce. These groups can connect you with professionals who can help you improve your pitch, as well as your chances of success in the application process.